Zadar to Rovinj Transfer

When travelling between Zadar and Rovinj you have limited options that are both time and cost-efficient. The bus is the cheapest but takes a really long time especially when it takes the coast road and there are no flights between these two historic cities. The absolute best option is a private transfer between Zadar and Rovinj. You can even include a stop at Plitvice Lakes along the way if you so wish!

Zadar to Rovinj Transfer

A private transfer from Zadar to Rovinj or Rovinj to Zadar transfer is the best way to travel between these two wonderful cities. A Rovinj to Zadar transfer will take you 4 hours and 20 mins and is a lovely road trip that takes you from the NW of Croatia, through the rolling hills of Istria into Kvarner where the coast meets the Mountains and finally into Northern Dalmatia.

Zadar to Rovinj via Plitvice Lakes National Park

Along the way, many travellers like to make a detour from Rovinj to Zadar or vice versa and visit the world famous and UNESCO listed Plitvice Lakes, National Park. It’s a good opportunity to turn your transfer into a one way Zadar to Rovinj day trip. 

Rovinj to Zadar Transfer

If you are looking for a Rovinj to Zadar taxi transfer look no further, then Octopus Transfers Croatia. We are number 1 on TripAdvisor, have the most competitive price for a private transfer from Rovinj to Zadar. Providing our guests with the best service possible is our top priority. As such, all our Drivers are English speaking professional Drivers; our vehicles have Wi-Fi so you can stay connected and we offer complimentary water in our vehicles. Most importantly we look after your safety and will ensure you have a comfortable ride.  All you need to do is sit back, relax and let Octopus Transfers Croatia take the wheel and we will get you from Rovinj to Zadar in style. Prices for a transfer from Zadar to Rovinj start from €390 and we have sedans, station wagons, minivans and minibuses ready to take you on the journey of a lifetime.

You can Check out our prices at or contact us at for a free quote.